Bibliometric study of Trabajos de Prehistoria published in vol. 76, no. 2


In its second number for 2019 Trabajos de Prehistoria has published a new bibliometric analysis of the journal in the context of Spanish publications in prehistory and archaeology listed in Scopus and ÍnDICEs CSIC. The article by Luis Rodríguez Yunta, José Ignacio Vidal Liy and M.ª Isabel Martínez Navarrete reviews the 75 volumes published between 1960 and 2018. This brings up to date the blibliometric study carried out upon the publication of vol. 50 (Ángel Rodríguez Alcalde, M. Jesús San Millán Bujanda, Jose M. Sánchez Nistal, Teresa Chapa Brunet, M. Isabel Martínez Navarrete y Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero, Trabajos de Prehistoria 1993, The updated study addresses the development of Trabajos de Prehistoria's subject matter, the patterns of authorship, and the journal's impact as measured by citations. The place the journal in the context of other Spanish archaeology and prehistory publications, the authors compare Trabajos de Prehistoria to the 9 other journals devoted to Iberian prehistory and archaeology that are listed in Scopus and were published by public institutions from 2010 to 2018: Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina, Archivo Español de Arqueología, Complutum, Lucentum, Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia, Pyrenae, Saguntum, SPAL and Zephyrus.