Trabajos de Prehistoria is awarded the Menga Medal for its contribution to scientific dissemination


The Conjunto Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera, on the sixth anniversary of its inclusion on the World Heritage List, has conferred the “Menga Medal” on persons and institutions that have contributed to the defense, advancement, research and publicizing the prehistoric heritage of Andalusia.  Among these is the journal, Trabajos de Prehistoria.


The award event, presided by the Viceminister of Culture of the Andalusian regional government, took place on 15 July 2022 in the Museo del Sitio de los Dólmenes de Antequera.  The laudatio by Dr. Gonzalo Aranda (University of Granada) reviewed the journal´s trajectory since its foundation by Professor Martín Almagro Basch in 1960 and its contribution to the scientific excellence of the prehistoric archaeology of Iberia. Its current director, Pedro Díaz-del-Río (Institute of History, CSIC) received the medal in representation of the journal.


Only rarely does a scientific journal receive official recognition from the institutions that preserve and promote our heritage. The concession of the Menga Medal to Trabajos de Prehistoria gives thanks to the entire editorial team that produces it, to the many anonymous referees that work with the journal and, above all, to the generations of archaeologists that have brought our discipline to the forefront of European prehistoric research.