Regional models of metal production in Western Asia in the Chalcolithic, Early and Middle Bronze Ages


  • Liudmila Avilova Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences



Metal production, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, Western Asia, Computer database, Statistical analysis, Comparative study, Regional models, Metallurgical province


The objective of this work is the reconstruction and comparative analysis of regional models of metal production in the Chalcolithic, Early and Middle Bronze Ages. The work is based on the statistical analysis of unique computer database on archaeological metal finds from four regions of the Near East: Anatolia, Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Iran. The materials are analysed by four indicators: distribution by the chronological periods, artefacts’ function, proportion of used metals and copper- based alloys. The author presents a series of conclusions concerning the preconditions for the beginnings of metal production in Western Asia and the pioneering role of Iran in its emergence, the important role the piedmont territories played in the development of metal production, the leap-like pattern of production dynamics shown by the periods, and its relation to the spread of a producing economy, long-distance exchange, and the emergence of the early civilizations.


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How to Cite

Avilova, L. (2008). Regional models of metal production in Western Asia in the Chalcolithic, Early and Middle Bronze Ages. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 65(1), 73–91.


