Mousterian bone tools from “D” level in Axlor (Dima, Vizcaya): operational sequence analysis


  • Millán Mozota Holgueras Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras



Retouching tools, Operational sequence, Taphonomy, Technology, Traceology, Experimental, Mousterian, Neanderthals, Middle Palaeolithic, Axlor, Basque Country


This paper presents the analysis of 150 retouching tools. They are diaphisis bone splinters from the long limb bones of ungulates. They were found in level “D” at Axlor (Dima, Vizcaya), which corresponds to the last stages of Mousterian period (about 44000 BP). This level contains an abundance of Quina-type side scrapers. The study combines different approaches (taphonomy, technology, traceology and experimentation) within an structure of operational sequence analysis. The role of “sparsely elaborated” tools in neanderthals disability models, and their informative potential about Middle Palaeolithic societies, are discused.


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How to Cite

Mozota Holgueras, M. (2009). Mousterian bone tools from “D” level in Axlor (Dima, Vizcaya): operational sequence analysis. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 66(1), 28–46.


