The role of fire in the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic burial rockshelters of the Sierra de Cantabria mountain range and its foothills (mid-upper Ebro valley)


  • Teresa Fernández-Crespo Dpto. de Genética, Antropología Física y Fisiología Animal. Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) - Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford



Traces of fire, Cremation, Forensic experimentation, Burial rockshelters, Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic, Sierra de Cantabria, Mid-upper Ebro valley


The traces of fire affecting human bones from five Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic burial rockshelters of the Sierra de Cantabria and its foothills (Las Yurdinas II, Los Husos I, Los Husos II, Peña Larga and La Peña de Marañón) are analysed through parameters determined by forensic experimentation. The results show that in some burials (Los Husos II, La Peña de Marañón) little time elapsed between the deposit and the cremation of the bodies. This is consistent with in situ burning when bones still were ‘fresh’ and suggests that cremation was related to the intentional closing of burial use of the sites. In other cave deposits, however, fire appears to be applied to dry bones. Unintentional fire cannot be rejected as an explanation of the evidence in the latter cases.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Crespo, T. (2016). The role of fire in the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic burial rockshelters of the Sierra de Cantabria mountain range and its foothills (mid-upper Ebro valley). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 73(1), 128–146.


