Possible cases of tuberculosis and brucellosis in Argaric villages in Galera (Granada)





Iberian Peninsula, Bronze Age, zoonosis, tuberculosis, brucellosis


One of the main characteristics of Bronze Age Argaric populations of Granada is an agricultural and livestock economy in which animals were present within the settlements. Such presence is a factor in the increase of the risk of contagious diseases. In this study we present some cases that could be linked to animal-transmitted infectious diseases due that have been documented at the sites of Castellón Alto and Fuente Amarga, both located in Galera (province of Granada). At these sites four individuals have been identified with new bone formations in the thorax (scapulae and ribs) that can indicate the presence of tuberculosis. At Fuente Amarga another individual presents a characteristic lesion in the vertebral column linked to brucellosis (vertebral epiphysitis). These features are not uncommon in populations that have close contact with animals.


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How to Cite

Rubio, Ángel, Jiménez-Brobeil, S. A., Sánchez-Barba, L. P., Laffranchi, Z., & Molina, F. (2017). Possible cases of tuberculosis and brucellosis in Argaric villages in Galera (Granada). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 74(1), 168–180. https://doi.org/10.3989/tp.2017.12189




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