The Upper Paleolithic of Iberia




Iberia, Upper Paleolithic, Chronology, Environmental diversity and change, Technology, Subsistence, Art, Last Glacial


This article attempts to provide a relatively complete synthesis of what is currently known about the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic and the development of human adaptations and cultures during the latter period in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal, as well as Andorra and Gibraltar). The emphases of the work, which is inescapably selective and reliant mainly on the most recent available literature, are on environmental conditions, human settlement, technologies, subsistence and artistic expression, from a perspective that gives importance to the nature and extent of social networks as they changed throughout the course of late Marine Isotope Stage 3 and all of Stage 2. The aim is to give coverage to all regions of the Peninsula, despite their different research histories and their varying site densities. An overall conclusion is that despite the climatic fluctuations of the Last Glacial, one can write differing histoires de la longue durée for such major geographic units as Cantabrian (northern Atlantic) Spain, the Ebro basin, Levantine (Mediterranean) Spain, Andalucia, the Spanish interior mesetas and Duero and Tagus basins, and the Algarve, Estremadura and Douro regions of southern and north-central Portugal. Yet, to varying degrees through time, there was both Peninsular cultural unity created by social networks among these regions and evidence of inter-band contacts with forager groups living to the north of the Pyrenees.


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How to Cite

Straus, L. G. (2018). The Upper Paleolithic of Iberia. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 75(1), 9–51.


