Semi-refined silver for the silversmiths of the Iron Age Mediterranean: A mechanism for the elusiveness of Iberian silver




Iberia, Phoenician, Ingot, La Rebanadilla, Composition, Lead isotopes


A fragment of a silver ingot recovered from the Phoenician settlement of La Rebanadilla, near Malaga, in south-east Iberia has been investigated using lead isotope and compositional analyses. The ingot, which was found at the lowest levels of the site, potentially dates from 11th-9th century BC, placing it alongside the hoards of hacksilver found in the southern Levant in terms of chronology. The Pb crustal age (from lead isotope data) and compositional data support that the ingot derives from Hercynian-age ores with high bismuth concentrations. This signature is consistent with the Pyritic belt of south-west Iberia, particularly around the ancient mining areas of Riotinto. It is proposed that the silver for this ingot was extracted from jarosite ores at Riotinto, where it was coarsely refined through cupellation into an ingot still retaining high levels of lead, before being transported to La Rebanadilla, which was a potential point of departure back to the Phoenician homeland. The significance of transporting silver in a form which would have required further refining is discussed in relation to the movement of silver by the Phoenicians in the Iron Age Mediterranean. A new mechanism is proposed to explain the elusive nature of Iberian silver in the archaeological record.


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How to Cite

Wood, J. R., & Montero-Ruiz, I. (2019). Semi-refined silver for the silversmiths of the Iron Age Mediterranean: A mechanism for the elusiveness of Iberian silver. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 76(2), 272–285.




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