Focus and Scope
Trabajos de Prehistoria has been published by the Department of Prehistory (CSIC) since its creation by Professor Dr. Martín Almagro Basch in 1960. It was a monograph series until 1968 when it was changed into annual journal. In 1994 it became the only semestral periodical of its speciality published in the Iberian Peninsula. The first issue comes out in June and the second in December. The continuous appearance of the journal, its general scope, and the quality of its content have given it a preeminent position in Iberia and an important one on the international scene.
The journal preferably publishes papers on the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Iberian Peninsula and its relations with Europe and the Mediterranean. On an exceptional basis, works related to other geographical areas may be published, but only if they are considered of general interest, based on their theoretical or methodological focus or on the comparative value of their archeological content. The journal covers as well subjects related to archaeological theory and methodology, archaeometry and palaeoenvironments.
Trabajos de Prehistoria incorporates, as well, the most recent concerns of prehistorians in Archaeological Heritage management. It also contains special sections for scientific discussion, book reviews and scientific chronicle.