Journal Sections
Original research papers of a maximum length of 90,000 characters with spaces, including notes, figure captions, tables and illustrations. Submissions to this section will be peer-reviewed. They should be presented in the template format provided by the journal.
Preliminary reports on research projects, excavations, surveys and new and significant findings. Maximum length should be of 40,500 characters with spaces, including notes, figure captions, tables and illustrations. Submissions to this section will be peer-reviewed. They must be presented in the template format provided by the journal.
Book Reviews and Scientific Chronicle
This section is managed by the Editorial staff with the agreement of the Editorial Board. Works wishing to be reviewed must request their approval. Trabajos de Prehistoria welcomes proposals for works to be reviewed by sending two copies to the journal's address, one for the reviewer and one for the Tomás Navarro Tomás Library (CCHS - CSIC). Offprints and reprints are excluded, except in the case of significant changes. Contributions must have a critical rather than merely descriptive content and are not subject to external evaluation. The recommended maximum length is 10,000 characters. Exceptionally, at the discretion of the Editorial Board, replies will be published, but in no case counter-replies.
As a foreword, Trabajos de Prehistoria may include an Editorial, in which a brief presentation is made or reflections on issues related to the journal may be formulated.
In Memoriam
Short texts in memory of personalities linked to the journal or, in general, to archaeology, who have died since the publication of the previous issue.
Books Received
The bibliographic information of the books received by the journal's Direction since the previous issue and that are deposited in the Tomás Navarro Tomás Library (CCHS - CSIC) is published.