Cycles of time in the Iberian culture: the astronomical orientation of the temple of El Tossal de Sant Miquel de Llíria


  • César Esteban Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. 38200 - La Laguna. Tenerife
  • Soraya Moret Facultat de Geografía i Història. Universitat de València.



Archaeoastronomy, Iberian Culture, Religion, Sacred places


We present an archaeoastronomical study of the temple of the Iberian settlement of El Tossal de Sant Miquel de Llíria (València). We find that the major axis of the building is oriented very close to the east-west cardinal axis. The entrance of the temple is pointing towards an outstanding mountain on the eastern horizon, where the sunrise around the equinoxes takes place. On the other hand, the absence of other constructions just in front of the cultic building seems to support the inference that the astronomical relation was intentional, because it would permit the observation of the sunrise from the temple. The existence of other nearby Iberian sanctuaries showing similar relations with the equinoxes (or a date very close to them) strongly supports the importance of these solar dates in the Iberian ritual.


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How to Cite

Esteban, C., & Moret, S. (2006). Cycles of time in the Iberian culture: the astronomical orientation of the temple of El Tossal de Sant Miquel de Llíria. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 63(1), 167–178.


