An integrated program of geophysical survey, coring, and test excavations to study a 4th millennium bc-cal ditch at Alt del Punxó (Muro de L’alcoi, Alacant)


  • Otero García Puchol Departament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia. Universitat de València.
  • C. Michael Baton Department of Anthropology. Arizona State University
  • Joan Bernabeu Aubán Departament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia. Universitat de València.



Systematic survey, Geophysical Survey, Remote sensing, Augering, Magnetrometry, Electrical Tomography, Neolithic, Península Ibérica, Monumental Earthworks, C14


The potentially long and interesting archaeological sequence revealed by systematic survey at the site of Alt Del Punxó (Muro de l’Alcoi, Alacant) was the basis for initiating a study of the locality’s subsurface structures using new methods of remote sensing. Geophysical survey (magnetometry and tomography) and systematic augering revealed buried structures, including monumental earthworks, and guided subsequent excavations to collect more detailed data about the nature and age of these prehistoric features. The information recovered, including new radiocarbon dates, offers a new perspective on the organization of prehistoric populations in this region of south-central Valencia since the beginning of the Holocene and is especially important for understanding the Neolithic IIB from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium BC.


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How to Cite

García Puchol, O., Baton, C. M., & Bernabeu Aubán, J. (2008). An integrated program of geophysical survey, coring, and test excavations to study a 4th millennium bc-cal ditch at Alt del Punxó (Muro de L’alcoi, Alacant). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 65(1), 143–154.




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