The “Steppe Belt” of stockbreeding cultures in Eurasia during the Early Metal Age


  • Evgeny Chernykh Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Laboratory of Natural Scientific Methods



Nomadic stock-breeding cultures, Eurasia, Early Metal Age, Archaeometallurgy, Radiocarbon chronology


The stock-breeding cultures of the Eurasian “steppe belt” covered approximately 7-8 million square km2 from the Lower Danube in the West to Manchuria in the East (a distance of more than 8000 km). The initial formation of the “steppe belt’cultures coincided with the flourishing of the Carpatho-Balkan metallurgical province (V millennium BC). These cultures developed during the span of the Circumpontic metallurgical province (IV-III millennium BC). Their maturation coincided with the activity of the various centers of the giant Eurasian and East-Asian metallurgical provinces (II millennium BC). The influence of these stock-breeding nomadic cultures on the historical processes of Eurasian peoples was extremely strong. The collapse of the “steppe belt” occurred as late as the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries AD.


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How to Cite

Chernykh, E. (2008). The “Steppe Belt” of stockbreeding cultures in Eurasia during the Early Metal Age. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 65(2), 73–93.


