The analysis of phytoliths and its role in teh study of the consumption of vegetal resources in prehistory: the bases for a materialist methodological approach


  • Débora Zurro Departament d’Arqueologia i Antropologia. Institució Milà i Fontanals IMF–CSIC. Barcelona



Phytoliths, Plant resources, Methodology, Historical materialism, Prehistory


This paper is strucured in two parts. The first one offers an introduction to phytolith analysis exploring the characteristics of these particles, the laboratory procedures in use, the current state of research and the informative potential they can offer to archaeology. The second part proposes the basis of a methodological approach for applying this technique to archaeology. This methodology uses historical materialism and is based on the Marxist concept of value, the analysis of the processes of labour and the categorisation of phytolith assemblages based on the selection of vegetal materials.


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How to Cite

Zurro, D. (2006). The analysis of phytoliths and its role in teh study of the consumption of vegetal resources in prehistory: the bases for a materialist methodological approach. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 63(2), 35–54.




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