The rock-cut tomb of Bolores (Torres Vedras): an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the social landscape of the Late Neolithic/Copper Age of the Iberian Peninsula


  • Katina T. Lillios University of Iowa
  • Joe Alan Artz University of Iowa
  • Anna J. Waterman Mount Mercy University
  • Jennifer Mack University of Iowa
  • Jonathan T. Thomas University of Iowa
  • Leonel Trindade
  • Isabel Luna Museu Municipal Leonel Trindade



Iberian Peninsula, Portugal, Mortuary -Archaeology, Demography, Isotope Studies, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, GIS


To better understand the sociopolitical landscape of the Portuguese Estremadura during the Late Neolithic/Copper Age, interdisciplinary excavations were conducted at Bolores (Torres Vedras), in the Sizandro River Valley. Following a test season in 1986, a University of Iowa team conducted four campaigns between 2007 and 2012. Bolores is a rock-cut tomb used primarily between 2800-2600 cal BC for the burial of adults, adolescents, and children (MNI=36). The architectural, material cultural, and bioarchaeological evidence suggests that Bolores housed the remains of a distinctive group of local individuals who marked their difference from other burial populations in the Sizandro and Estremadura through material culture and tomb architecture. Social differences were denoted spatially and through offerings of material goods. No social stratification is evident, however, that would suggest a state-level society: there are no wealthy child burials and no significant health or dietary disparities within this population or between it and others in the region.


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How to Cite

Lillios, K. T., Alan Artz, J., Waterman, A. J., Mack, J., Thomas, J. T., Trindade, L., & Luna, I. (2014). The rock-cut tomb of Bolores (Torres Vedras): an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the social landscape of the Late Neolithic/Copper Age of the Iberian Peninsula. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 71(2), 282–304.




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