Dating Iron Age goldwork: First direct AMS 14C results from Northwestern Iberia


  • Xosé-Lois Armada UCL Institute of Archaeology
  • Óscar García-Vuelta Laboratorios de I+D de Arqueología, Instituto de Historia, CCHS-CSIC



Castro-culture goldwork, Hillforts, Galicia, Late Iron Age, Early Roman period, Plano-convex ingots, Melting mass, Handheld XRF, Absolute chronology


This article presents the first direct radiocarbon dates for NW Iberian “Castro culture” goldwork. Three samples were taken from a melting mass and a plano-convex ingot from the so-called Recouso (Oroso, A Coru.a) and Calvos de Randín (Ourense) “hoards”. The study includes pXRF analysis of the pieces from both assemblages. Identification of charcoal samples allowed us to better evaluate the results. The dates point to a period late in the Second Iron Age for both assemblages. They are the first direct chronological references for this rich goldworking tradition after more than a hundred years of investigation and they open up a line of research that offers interesting future prospects.


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How to Cite

Armada, X.-L., & García-Vuelta, Óscar. (2015). Dating Iron Age goldwork: First direct AMS 14C results from Northwestern Iberia. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 72(2), 372–382.




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