Modelling mobility and visibility dynamics in Galician megalithic moundscapes. The case of Monte de Santa Mariña and its surroundings (Sarria’s region, Lugo)


  • Miguel Carrero-Pazos Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Grupo de Estudos para a Prehistoria do Noroeste Ibérico-Arqueoloxía, Antigüidade e Territorio (GEPN-AAT)



Megalithic complex, GIS, Spatial Analysis, Locational patterns, Least Cost Path, visibility, Monte Carlo Simulation, R Statistics, GRASS GIS, Galicia, Neolithic


This paper aims to analyse two traditional forms of association of the megaliths with the landscape, such as the natural mobility and the visibility of the landscape. Several analytical approaches based on Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Statistics are applied over the megalithic barrow landscape of Monte de Santa Mariña (Sarria’s region, Lugo) and its surroundings (NW of the Iberian Peninsula). Starting from the creation of a simulation model of natural movement and the analysis of the visibility of sites, the relevance of the potential transit routes as a locational variable is checked, as well as the role that visibility of these monuments may have played regarding these routes. Subsequently, the visual prominence of the monuments with background terrain is also analysed, being able to observe the existence of common tendencies in different necropoleis of this megalithic complex concerning the size of the visual basin. The results allow us to consider the existence of an important relation between the megalithic monuments and the natural passage through the territory, with unequal trends on the visual impact of the megalith, regarding the relation with other sites and the whole territory in which the necropolis is located, which seems to indicate the necessity to reconsider the traditional discourse using these regional trends.


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How to Cite

Carrero-Pazos, M. (2018). Modelling mobility and visibility dynamics in Galician megalithic moundscapes. The case of Monte de Santa Mariña and its surroundings (Sarria’s region, Lugo). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 75(2), 287–306.


