Raw material procurement and selection in Southeast Iberia’s early metallurgy





Archaeometallurgy, Chalcolithic, Southeast Iberia, Provenance Studies, Lead Isotope Analysis


The role of metallurgy in the Copper Age communities of the Iberian Southeast is a recurrent question of archaeo­logical research in western Europe. Based on lead isotope and trace element analyses of archaeometallurgical remains, this paper addresses the territorial organisation of metallur­gical production during the Copper Age (3100-2200 cal BC) in the Vera Basin (Almería, Spain), the region with the ear­liest metallurgical evidence in western Europe. This paper comprises the study of materials from the three main settle­ments with metallurgical activity in the area (Las Pilas, San­ta Bárbara and Almizaraque), as well as some metal objects from these and other sites (La Encantada I, Loma de Bel­monte and Las Churuletas 1). The results support a model of small-scale regional pro­duction whereby settlements exploited the resources of their nearby surroundings (up to 30 km as the crow flies). Howev­er, metallurgical exploitation prioritised mineralisations rich in arsenic and other elements, even when other sources were more readily accessible: for the case of Las Pilas, the exploita­tion of Pinar de Bédar sources instead of Sierra Cabrera, clos­er to the site; for the cases of Santa Bárbara and Almizaraque, the sources of Cerro Minado. The possibility that Almizaraque and Las Pilas also exploited the minerals of Herrerías, although to a lesser extent, remains open. Broader exchange networks are indicated by the data from finished objects, from which greater mobility can be inferred.


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How to Cite

Murillo-Barroso, M., Montero-Ruiz, I., Camalich-Massieu, M. D., Martín-Socas, D., Labaune, M., Cattin, F., Nieto, J. M., & Martinón-Torres, M. (2020). Raw material procurement and selection in Southeast Iberia’s early metallurgy. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 77(1), 87–112. https://doi.org/10.3989/tp.2020.12248




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