Power and prestige in argar culture societies. The commensal consumption of bovids and ovicaprids during funerary rituals


  • Gonzalo Aranda Jiménez Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad de Granada
  • José Antonio Esquivel Guerrero Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad de Granada




Bronze Age, Argar Culture, Southeast of Iberia, Funerary ritual, Commensality


The regular appearance of meat offerings in Argaric pmbs enables us to point out that the slaughter and consumption of cattle and sheep or goat took place as a part of rituals of commensality. A portion of meat of theses animals, always belonging to a leg, was introduced as grave goods involving the symbolic performance of the death in the ritual itself. The type of meat consumed in these rituals was linked to the social status of Argaric people. Cattle would be slaughtered during the commensal practices associated with the highest social groups in contrast to the performance developed in the lowest social levels that include goat or sheep but never cattle. The ritual of commensality in Argaric societies would contribute to maintaining the social solidarity at the same time that it legitimated and naturalised a clear situation of social asymmetry. Cohesion and social distance play an important role in the commensal practices of Argaric funerary rituals.


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How to Cite

Aranda Jiménez, G., & Esquivel Guerrero, J. A. (2007). Power and prestige in argar culture societies. The commensal consumption of bovids and ovicaprids during funerary rituals. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 64(2), 95–118. https://doi.org/10.3989/tp.2007.v64.i2.111




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