A typological and functional study of the tuyeres from the site of La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante)


  • Martina Renzi Departamento de Prehistoria. Instituto de Historia, CSIC.




Tuyeres, Iron Age, Phoenicians, La Fonteta, Archaeometry, Metallurgy, Iron, Copper, Bronze, Lead


The Phoenician site of La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante), thanks mainly to the discovery of many metallurgical dumps, has yielded abundant material that can be related to the production of iron, copper, copper/ lead and binary and ternary bronzes and probably to lead and silver. Among the archaeometallurgical remains discovered at the site, it is particularly worthy of attention a significant group of tuyeres, constituted by more than 400 fragments. The tuyeres documented so far can be placed in a chronological phase that spans approximately from the beginnings of the VIII century to the end of the VII century B.C. At present, this group of tuyeres can be considered the most abundant and varied known on a Phoenician site in the Iberian Peninsula. The study of this material allows us to define the variability of their shapes and to observe whether this morphological change reflects any technological factor related to metallurgical activities, or to the processed metallic product. To this end, in the present article we define the typologies of the above mentioned materials, their frequency during the different phases, and the context in which they were found. Wherever possible, we also present the results obtained through elemental analyses of the slagged parts adhered to the mouthpieces of these tuyeres.   


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How to Cite

Renzi, M. (2007). A typological and functional study of the tuyeres from the site of La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 64(1), 165–177. https://doi.org/10.3989/tp.2007.v64.i1.100




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