Dating of Las Mesas Copper Age walled enclosure (La Fuente, Spain)


  • Carlos P. Odriozola University of Sevilla
  • Christopher I. Burbidge Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
  • M. Isabel Dias Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
  • Víctor Hurtado University of Sevilla



Luminescence dating, Radiocarbon dating, enclosure, Late Neolithic, Copper Age, Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain


The site of Las Mesas is located in the west bank of the Guadajira river (La Fuente, Badajoz, Spain). It covers a half hectare and is enclosed by a stone wall. Previous assessments based on site surveys suggested a general chronological span from Late Neolithic period (ca. 3600-2900 BC) through the Copper Age (3rd millennium BC). Excavations revealed a well-constructed wall with bastions and a domestic space at the centre of the site with three occupational phases. Several functional areas and a votive pit are ascribed to the second phase. A deer antler located in a re-cut ritual pit associated to the second phase was dated by AMS-14C. Samples from a living floor assigned to the second phase (SU-9/10) and the basement of a kiln associated with the first phase (SU-18) was dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) using the single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol on 90-160 m quartz grains. Luminescence profiling analysis of 7 samples taken throughout the archaeological stratigraphy was used to assess variations in luminescence behaviour and relative age through the sequence, using infrared-, optically –and thermally– stimulated luminescence (IRSL, OSL, TSL) on poly-mineral and etched samples. Luminescence dating and profiling indicates that the upper archaeological layer (SU-1B) probably dates to the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1000 BC), but that the sediments in the remainder of this section accumulated during the late Neolithic-Copper Age: the site was most probably inhabited between 3300 and 2900 BC. There were gaps in occupation between the Late Neolithic-Cooper Age phases (I & II), and between the Late Neolithic-Cooper Age phases and Late Bronze Age phase (II & III), indicating that the site was abandoned and reoccupied twice. The AMS-14C date on deer antler of 4254 ± 45 BP (3010-2675 cal BC) is consisten with the OSL results for phase II, indicating that the pit was excavated at the beginning of the second occupational phase. Combined OSL and AMS-14C dating shows that Las Mesas site was first occupied during Late Neolithic farming colonization, abandoned during the Copper Age and occupied again during the Late Bronze Age. The occupational gap recorded during the Copper Age relates to evidence for burning of the site and the partial destruction of the wall, followed by its reconstruction and consolidation.


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How to Cite

Odriozola, C. P., Burbidge, C. I., Dias, M. I., & Hurtado, V. (2014). Dating of Las Mesas Copper Age walled enclosure (La Fuente, Spain). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 71(2), 343–352.


