In 2022 Trabajos de Prehistoria remains in the first quartile of Archaeology journals in Web of Science, Scopus, Scimago Journal Rank, Dialnet Métricas and the ranking of publications with the FECYT quality seal.
The results for Trabajos de Prehistoria (TP) published in 2022 in the evaluation systems of scientific journals continue to be excellent: they consolidate its position as an international and national reference publication on its subject. Internationally, TP remains in the first quartile in both the Archeology (Humanities) and Anthropology (Social Sciences) categories, according to the Journal Citation Indicator (JCI). These results are published annually by the Clarivate Analytics company in the bibliometric data included in its annual Journal Citation Report (JCR) on the Web of Science platform. The JCI indicator is applied to experimental sciences, social sciences, and humanities journals. The data published in 2022 indicates how many citations were received in 2021 by journals published in the previous three years, normalized according to the average value of the category in which the journal is classified. In this ranking, TP ranks 31st out of 154 international journals in the Archeology category and 28th out of 135 Anthropology titles. JCR also includes data from the Journal Impact Factor indicator, which is calculated by citations received in 2021 to articles edited in the previous two years. In this ranking, which is not applied to Humanities, TP is in the third quartile in Anthropology (66th position out of 93 journals).
TP is also included in the indicators based on the citations collected by the Scopus database, produced by the multinational Elsevier. The journal improves its results this year in the ranking published by Elsevier itself, based on the CiteScore indicator (calculated over 4 years). The journal is located in the first quartile both in Archeology Humanities (position 48 out of 335) and in Archaeology Social Sciences (position 50 out of 289).
In the international ranking of journals updated annually by the Scimago group, also based on the Scopus data, TP remains in the first quartile of the Archeology category according to the citations received in 2021 to the articles published in the previous three years. In the Scimago Journal Rank indicator, the journal ranks 51st among 353 titles in Archaeology Humanities and 53rd out of 315 in Archaeology Social Sciences.
At a national level, TP also maintains an outstanding position in the data published on the Dialnet Métricas portal. According to the Índice Dialnet de Revista (IDR) the journal is in the first quartile both in the thematic category of Archeology and Prehistory (position 2 out of 58 journals) and in History (position 2 out of 299).
Finally, the journal is also ranked in the first quartile in the category of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnology (position 3 out of 18) in the ranking of visibility and impact of Spanish scientific journals of Humanities and Social Sciences with the seal of quality awarded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).