Stone pixels. Visibility and concealment in the oppidum of San Cibrán de Las (Ourense)




Landscape Archeology, Visibility, Iron Age, NW of the Iberian peninsula, Spatial Simulation, Geographical Information Technologies, Geographic Information Systems, LiDAR, Photogrammetry


This paper discusses simulation as a strategy for spatial analysis in archeology. We propose a large-scale study of the visual structure of an archaeological site based on the combined use of different geospatial technologies. The methodology is developed in the oppidum of San Cibrán de Las (Ourense, Spain), where the visual permeability of its structure in the landscape is analyzed. The methodology we develop uses different digital simulation resources to understand how the construction of different archaeological structures could condition visual perception. Different scenarios were constructed changing a digital terrain model (DTM), which was analyzed based on viewshed calculations. The results are oriented to the interpretation of the visibility and concealment of social action in the different spaces of hillfort during the Iron Age.


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How to Cite

Fábrega-Álvarez, P. . (2020). Stone pixels. Visibility and concealment in the oppidum of San Cibrán de Las (Ourense). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 77(2), 303–319.




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