MULTIPALEOIBERIA: towards a new scenario on population dynamics and cultural adaptations of the last Neandertals and first modern humans in inland Iberia




Neandertals, anatomically modern humans, Iberian peninsula, Spanish plateau, MIS 3, MIS 2, geoarchaeology, palaeoecology, chronometric dating


Historically, the Iberian peninsula has accounted for a relevant record concerning our knowledge of Palaeolithic societies. However, when it comes to the first modern human occupation and the Neandertal demise, such a record shows an important problem: the odd scarcity of evidence in the large regions of inland Iberia. The MULTIPALEOIBERIA project, funded by the European Research Council (ERC), assumes that this scarcity is due to a historical research bias. Consequently, it poses the hypothesis that the human occupation of the inland Iberia during this period was more complex and stable than previously thought, and hence it aims at gathering unprecedented data to put the classic views into the test. This project is devised as an interdisciplinary and collaborative macro-project applied to several regions of the Iberian hinterland, and it embraces human-climate-environment interactions as its main research focus. Its methodology involves searching new sites, fieldwork in at least 24 known archaeological, palaeoecological, and rock art locations, a wide program of chronometric cross-dating, a detailed multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, and the study of techno-economic, symbolic, mobility, and land-use strategies of the last Neandertals and first modern humans in inland Iberia. It is expected that the results of this project will have a high impact on topics such as the potential late survival of Neandertals in southern Europe, the nature and timing of the first modern human settlement of Iberia, or the cultural adaptations of Pleistocene hunter-gatherers to ecologically risky environments. In this paper, we present the hypotheses, objectives, theoretical and methodological framework, as well as the first results of MULTIPALEOIBERIA.


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How to Cite

Alcaraz-Castaño, M. (2023). MULTIPALEOIBERIA: towards a new scenario on population dynamics and cultural adaptations of the last Neandertals and first modern humans in inland Iberia. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 80(1), e03.




Funding data

H2020 European Research Council
Grant numbers 805478

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