Society, ideology and constructed environments during the Protohistory of the Eastern Meseta: El Ceremeño de Herrería as a case study


  • J. A. Arenas Esteban Centro de Estudios de Molina y Alto Tajo. Guadalajara



Iron Age, Iberian plateau, Cultural landscape, Built environment, Domestic space, Society, Ideology


The current application of theoretical and methodological schemes coming from Landscape Archaeology provides the investigation of the pre-Roman world of the Iberian Peninsula with some useful tools for the reconstruction of the rationality patterns prevailing in that period. However, this perspective has not yet found a substantial echo among the scholars working on the Protohistoric cultures of the Eastern border of the Spanish plateau, where recent excavations and surveys provide particularly valuable evidence for undertaking this line of research. Therefore, this paper focuses on the analysis of the social and symbolic meaning of the successive urban layouts of the pre-Roman settlement of El Ceremeño at Herrería (Guadalajara, Spain). The configuration of the different spaces built there is analysed, first by considering the structural and functional relationship of the different buildings within the settlement, and later by examining the relationship of the settlement itself with other settlements in the same environment.  


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How to Cite

Arenas Esteban, J. A. (2007). Society, ideology and constructed environments during the Protohistory of the Eastern Meseta: El Ceremeño de Herrería as a case study. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 64(1), 121–136.


