Beno Rothenberg (Frankfurt, Germany 1914 - Ramat Gan, Israel 2012). In memoriam


  • Mark A. Hunt Ortiz Grupo de investigación ATLAS, Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología, Universidad de Sevilla



Beno Rothenberg, Archaeometallurgy, Huelva Project, Rio Tinto mines, Spain


On the 13th March 2012 Prof. Beno Rothenberg, a pioneer and leading researcher in the archaeometallurgy field, died. One of the founders of IAMS, his work in Spain through the research carried out mainly in the province of Huelva and more specifically, in the Rio Tinto mines, is outstanding. His influence has been instrumental in the introduction and development of the investigation on ancient mining and metallurgical production. His legacy extends to the present day by the materialization of his projects and the activity of many researchers who collaborated or were formed with him.


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Hunt Ortiz, M. A. 2003: Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in South West Iberian Peninsula. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1188, Archaeopress. Oxford.

Jones, G. D. B. 1980: "The Roman Mines at Rio Tinto". Journal of Roman Studies 70: 146-165.

Kassianidou, V.; Rothenberg, B. y Andrews, P. 1995: “Silver Production in the Tartessian Period. The Evidence from Monte Romero”. Arx 1: 17-34.

Keesmann, I. 1993: “Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur antiken Kupfer- und Silberhüttung in Südwestspanien”. Montanarchäologie in Europa 4: 105-122.

Pellicer Catalán, M. 1983: “El yacimiento Protohistórico de Quebrantahuesos (Riotinto, Huelva)”. Noticiario Arqueológico Hispánico 15: 59-91.

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Rothenberg, B.; Andrews, P. y Keesmann, I. 1986: “Monte Romero September 1986. The discovery of a unique Phoenician silver smelting workshop in south-west Spain”. IAMS Newsletter 9: 1-4.

Rothenberg, B. y Blanco, A. 1980: “Ancient Copper Mining and Smelting at Chinflón (Huelva, SW Spain). En P. T. Craddock (ed.): Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy. British Museum Occasional Paper: 20: 41-62.

Rothenberg, B. y Blanco-Freijeiro, A. 1981: Ancient Mining and Metallurgy in South-West Spain. IAMS. Londres.

Rothenberg, B.; Carrión, F.; Moreno, A. y Mérida, V. 1988: “A Prehistoric Copper Mine and Smelter in S.E. Andalusia (Spain). First Discovery by IAMS Survey Team”. IAMS Newsletter 13: 1-5.

Rothenberg, B.; García Palomero, F.; Bachmann, H. G. y Goethe, H. W. 1989: “The Riotinto Enigma”. En C. Domergue (ed.): Minería y Metalurgia en las antiguas civilizaciones mediterráneas y europeas I. Ministerio de Cultura. Madrid: 57-70.

Rovira, S.; Montero, I. y Consuegra, S. 1997: Las Primeras Etapas Metalúrgicas en la Península Ibérica. I. Análisis de Materiales. Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Madrid.

Salkied, L. U. 1970: “Ancient slags in the south west of the Iberian Peninsula”. En La Minería Hispana e Iberoamericana: Contribución a su Investigación Histórica I. Cátedra de San Isidoro. León: 85-98.

Willies, L. 1997: “Roman Mining at Rio Tinto”. Mining History 13 (3): 1-29.




How to Cite

Hunt Ortiz, M. A. (2012). Beno Rothenberg (Frankfurt, Germany 1914 - Ramat Gan, Israel 2012). In memoriam. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 69(2), 207–211.




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