Archaeometry and craft context of the gold disks from Fortios (Portalegre, Alto Alentejo, Portugal)


  • Alicia Perea Grupo de Investigación Arqueometal. Instituto de Historia. CCHS-CSIC
  • Raquel Vilaça Centro de Estudos de Arqueologia, Artes e Ciências do Património (CEAACP). Instituto de Arqueología. Universidad de Coimbra
  • Barbara Armbruster CNRS-UMR 5608. Université de Toulouse



Archaeometallurgy, Gold, Technology, SEMEDS, Iberia, Bronze Age, Iron Age


Starting from the topographic study and the elemental analysis of four gold objects from Fortios, we define a little-known type of gold object and survey all examples known to date. It is important to select the appropriate analytical technique depending on the problem to be solved and in order to obtain reliable results. In our particular case this allowed us to detect a brazing procedure using a solder of a lower melting point than the parts to be joined. Comparing analytical data from other, similar objects permitted the reconstruction of their technological domain, which is clearly Mediterranean. Finally the archaeological context, between the 8th and 7th centuries BC, and the particular character of the workshop point to a craft production belonging to the Orientalizing period of Southwestern Iberia.


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How to Cite

Perea, A., Vilaça, R., & Armbruster, B. (2016). Archaeometry and craft context of the gold disks from Fortios (Portalegre, Alto Alentejo, Portugal). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 73(2), 352–364.




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