Neanderthal lithic technology at Valdegoba in the context of the middle Paleolithic of the northern Meseta




Iberia, Douro Basin, Neanderthals, Middle Palaeolithic, Lithic technology


We present the first complete analysis of the lithic technology at the stratified site of Valdegoba, a key Middle Palaeolithic locality in the Duero drainage. Valdegoba is an OIS 3 site that has provided the only Neanderthal remains in this region, as well as important evidence on late Neanderthal settlement. In particular the site provides information about the techniques deployed in domestic activities such as the exploitation of mammalian resources (especially chamois hides and fur). Its technological features are characteristic of the Middle Paleolithic sensu stricto (a high percentage of levallois and discoid methods), as well as important features such as the management of lithic resources, the increased production of elongated flakes and a great diversity of lithic cores.


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How to Cite

Terradillos-Bernal, M., & Díez Fernández-Lomana, J. C. (2018). Neanderthal lithic technology at Valdegoba in the context of the middle Paleolithic of the northern Meseta. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 75(2), 320–332.


