New data about the landscape of the first occupation of Mallorca: Coval Simó (Escorca, Mallorca)




Majorca Island, Bell Beaker, First settlement, Plant macroremains, Mountain landscape, Farming system, Late Prehistory


The Coval Simó shelter provides some of the oldest evidence for settlement on the island of Mallorca and the Balearic archipelago. It also has the peculiarity of being a habitat in a mountain area, so that the human groups that settled there had to adapt their agricultural and farming sys­tem to this environment. The plant remains (wood charcoal and seeds) recovered in the occupation levels allow us to address these issues, since they are the result of the different activities developed in this cavity: fuel for domestic activities, food for livestock, etc. The results of this study show that between the III and II millennium cal BC, an agricultural system based on livestock and cereal farming was implement­ed, which exploited local forest formations to obtain resources, among them, firewood. The plants that were exploit­ed show the existence of juniper forests, with the presence of maples and legumes, among other shrubs and bushes.


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How to Cite

Carrión Marco, Y., Pérez-Jordà, G., Coll Conesa, J., & Ramis, D. (2020). New data about the landscape of the first occupation of Mallorca: Coval Simó (Escorca, Mallorca). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 77(1), 148–162.




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