An exceptional case of household archaeology from Early Iron Age Central Iberia: House 1 at Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, Spain)
Household Archaeology, kinship, patrilocality, commensality, Early Iron Age, Eastern Mediterranean imports, Iberian MesetaAbstract
The excavations undertaken at the Early Iron Age village of Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca) revealed an informal aggregate of dwellings and ancillary buildings of adobe which matches the cross‑cultural spatial pattern for patrilocal practices. The paper focuses on house 1 and its adjoining middens. This dwelling was exceptional due to its long and stable biography, its clay furniture –with two benches for 20 people and a hearth in the shape of an oxhide– and ritualized abandonment using an intense conflagration dated to 650‑575 BC and its filling with adobes. The excavations revealed an unusual concentration of querns and fine local hand‑made pottery. The excavations recovered implements used for specialized and high‑quality crafts, such as potterymaking and weaving, as well as a set of finds unprecedented in the interior of Iberia stands out: exotic faience beads and tableware from the eastern Mediterranean, Phoenician red slip ceramics, and liturgical terracotta items with Tartessian and Mediterranean parallels. All these findings suggest that house 1 was the gathering hall of an extended corporate group where intense social activities –hosting banquets and transactions with guests– took place and where such startling artefacts ended up.
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