Redefining the material record. Recent implications from anglo-american landscape archaeology


  • Javier Soler Segura Becario de Investigación del Gobierno de Canarias. Dpto. de Prehistoria, Antropología e Historia Antigua. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Campus de Guajara, Universidad de La Laguna.



Theoretical Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Archaeological Record, Spatial Dimension, Historiography


After offering a brief analytical description of the evolution of definitions of the archaeological record within the Anglo-American world and specifically of the spatial, the conceptualization of landscape is considered yet another way of augmenting the catalogue of definitions that characterize the discipline of Archaeology. An examination of both processes, including attention to pertinent theoretical issues, analyzes just what is understood in Archaeology by landscape and how exactly it came to be conceptualized. This scrutiny allows an evaluation of the singularities of the concept and offers an appraisal meant to elucidate just what led to expounding the idea of landscape. Furthermore, this commentary permits a tentative assessment of the repercussions such conceptual parameters entail and constitutes, implicitly at least, an effort to elaborate and sustain a promising horizon in the discipline.  


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How to Cite

Soler Segura, J. (2007). Redefining the material record. Recent implications from anglo-american landscape archaeology. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 64(1), 41–64.


