Mud brick building in the Iberian Peninsula during the Chalcolithic: the evidence from Valencina de la Concepción (Seville)
Earthen architecture, Construction techniques, Modular systems, Copper Age, Guadalquivir ValleyAbstract
This article presents a series of evidences of earthen construction, identified as adobes, from the prehistoric site of Valencina de la Concepción (Cerro de la Cabeza-Valencina Nord and Nueva Biblioteca sectors). These remains were used in the erection of the walls (Nueva Biblioteca) and in the walls of huts (Valencina Nord). Their study suggests that they were manufactured by hand, with variable dimensions and morphologies. Some of them had a planoconvex profile, although square-rectangular and rounded pieces were also produced. A selection was analysed using stereoscopic, colorimetric and FTIR analyses, which revealed a homogeneous composition based on local materials and the absence of deliberate firing, in accordance with the building technique identified. Overall, this study provides new data on the presence of this specific construction technique on the Iberian Peninsula during the Chalcolithic period.
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Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Grant numbers SCHU1539/4-1.2;FA390/12-1.2
Generalitat Valenciana
Grant numbers CIGE/2022/54
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers EQC2018-004880-P
Grant numbers MARSALAS21-19