The Neolithic burials of Ca l’Arnella (Terrassa, Barcelona)


  • Roser Pou Associació de Tècnics d’Investigacions Culturals i Socials, s.l (ATICS SL)
  • Miquel Martí Associació de Tècnics d’Investigacions Culturals i Socials, s.l (ATICS SL)
  • Millán Mozota Institució Milà i Fontanals (IMF-CSIC)
  • Núria Armentano ANTROPÒLEGS.LAB Y GROB (Grup de Recerca en Osteobiografía) de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Patricia Martín Institut de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)
  • Juan F. Gibaja Institució Milà i Fontanals (IMF-CSIC)



Recent prehistory, Middle Neolithic, Archaeology of Death, Use-wear analysis, Physical Anthropolgy, Northeast of Iberian Peninsula, Projectile, Violence, Pit graves, Mediterranean


The archaeological survey and intervention on the Ca l’Arnella site were motivated by the construction works of the Martorell-Figueres pipeline, and led to the finding and excavation of two funerary hypogeal with individual burials from the Middle Neolithic. The structures, buried individuals and materials are studied in this article. A geometric flint implement found near the lumbar vertebrae may have been originally inside the body and shows typical stigma of projectile use. This could be one of the scarce pieces of evidences for violence during this period. The analysis of archaeological data provided several lines of evidence supporting this possibility.


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How to Cite

Pou, R., Martí, M., Mozota, M., Armentano, N., Martín, P., & Gibaja, J. F. (2014). The Neolithic burials of Ca l’Arnella (Terrassa, Barcelona). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 71(1), 146–155.




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