Connectivity in Bronze Age Western Iberia. Appraising the relationship between sites and droveways using GIS




Mobility, Geographic Information Systems, Exploratory data analysis, Droveways, Iberian peninsula, Cogotas I Culture, Bronze Age


This article takes up an old hypothesis that has remained untested in Iberian Prehistory: the one that relates the sites of Cogotas I culture (1850-1100 cal BC) with transhumance.The authors propose an experiment within a wide strip of Western Iberia along the so-called Via de la Plata.This experiment consists of measuring with GIS the linear distance between 176 Cogotas I sites and traditional droveways, envisaged here as materializing long-held social practices.Spatial analyses are statistically significant in the Duero sector yet non-significant in Extremadura due to its incomplete dataset; overall they point out that almost a third of the sites –27.3 %– are located less than 500 m from any such route.The authors avoid linking this observation to transhumance, centre-periphery dynamics, social hierarchy or prestige good economies.Instead, they frame these results within the model of peer polity interaction between local communities aiming to connect with each other in their social landscape, thus participating in the circulation of people, animals, and items.


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How to Cite

Blanco González, A., & Esparza Arroyo, Ángel. (2019). Connectivity in Bronze Age Western Iberia. Appraising the relationship between sites and droveways using GIS. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 76(1), 67–83.




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