New interpretations of the final Upper Palaeolithic of southern Catalonia: L’Hort de la Boquera site (Priorat, Tarragona)


  • Pilar Garcia-Argüelles Andreu Universitat de Barcelona
  • Jordi Nadal Lorenzo Universitat de Barcelona
  • Josep M.ª Fullola Pericot Universitat de Barcelona
  • M.ª Mercè Bergadà Zapata Universitat de Barcelona
  • Inés Domingo Sanz Universitat de Barcelona
  • Ethel Allué Martí Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Lluís Lloveras Roca Universitat de Barcelona



Prehistory, Palaeolithic, Iberia, Hunters-gatherers, Final Upper Palaeolithic, L’Hort de la Boquera, Paleoenvironmental evolution, Portable art, Geoarchaeology, Palaeobotany, Archaeozoology, Radiocarbon dating


This paper publishes for the first time the results of the excavations conducted at L’Hort de la Boquera site (Margalef de Montsant, Tarragona). This site is included in the research project we began in 1979 on the prehistoric settlement of the middle course of the Montsant River. We present the results obtained with respect to the lithic industries, palaeoecology, palaeeconomy, radiocarbon dates, and the latest discovery, an item of mobiliary art. These make it clear that the site belongs to the final Upper Palaeolithic, with specific features that partly distinguish it from the classic Magdalenian.


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How to Cite

Garcia-Argüelles Andreu, P., Nadal Lorenzo, J., Fullola Pericot, J. M., Bergadà Zapata, M. M., Domingo Sanz, I., Allué Martí, E., & Lloveras Roca, L. (2014). New interpretations of the final Upper Palaeolithic of southern Catalonia: L’Hort de la Boquera site (Priorat, Tarragona). Trabajos De Prehistoria, 71(2), 242–260.


