Sites without stratigraphy: Devesa do Rei, a cultual site in Galician late Prehistory and the Iron Age?


  • Roberto Aboal Fernández Laboratorio de Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe. Instituto de Estudos Galegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC-Xunta de Galicia).
  • Xurxo M. Ayán Vila Laboratorio de Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe. Instituto de Estudos Galegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC-Xunta de Galicia).
  • Felipe Criado Boado Laboratorio de Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe. Instituto de Estudos Galegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC-Xunta de Galicia).
  • Mª Pilar Prieto Martínez Laboratorio de Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe. Instituto de Estudos Galegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC-Xunta de Galicia).
  • Marta Tabarés Domínguez Laboratorio de Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe. Instituto de Estudos Galegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC-Xunta de Galicia).



Bronze Age, Iron Age, Sites formation processes, Galicia, Stratigraphic analysis, Postdepositional processes, Funerary monuments, Landscape Archaeology


In this text we explore a singular site that offers a series of important novelties, both in terms of its discontinuous pattern of use in different periods (covering a lengthy period from the Neolithic to the Iron Age), and its apparent use for ritual purposes in all of them, as well as the possible identification of a funerary structure from the Galician Iron Age. At the same time, this work is proposed as a case for study that makes it possible to define a procedure to reconstruct the sequence and function of open sites from Late Prehistory in Galicia characterized by a lack of vertical stratigraphy. This problem is solved by combining different analytical techniques, all based on a record of high quality excavation that makes use of analyses of material culture, radiocarbon dating, distribution patterns, as well as soil and sediment analysis.


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How to Cite

Aboal Fernández, R., Ayán Vila, X. M., Criado Boado, F., Prieto Martínez, M. P., & Tabarés Domínguez, M. (2005). Sites without stratigraphy: Devesa do Rei, a cultual site in Galician late Prehistory and the Iron Age?. Trabajos De Prehistoria, 62(2), 165–180.




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